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slate_markers_for_garden_ - 3

Slate Plant Markers

Christy from the Fair Oaks Community Garden found these blank slate plant markers, that you can write on with a painters pen.   I thought they were pretty cool especially if you know someone with really good handwriting like Christy.  She made them up for our herb garden section at our community garden.   Below is a quick video I made to show you how cool they look installed in the garden.

Where to get them

You can find the slate plant markers at everlastlabel.com they are sold in packs of 30 that include the slate and the stand.  

What to use to write on them

To write on the slate plant markers you will need to use painters pens, about $4 to $6 at stores.  Elemer’s or deco Color Brands work well. 

How to install the slate markers on the stand

Once you write on the slate plant markers you can slide them onto the stand from the bottom.  


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Roger Seher