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Summer Salad inspired by the garden

I didn’t have any lemons to make lemonade, but I do have a bunch of fresh vegetables from the garden.  I wanted to make a salad to go with the family dinner so I opted to make this simple summer garden salad.  All the fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and basil came directly from my garden.  Looking back I’m sure glad I didn’t just rip that volunteer cucumber plant out.  That plant has rewarded me ten-fold  with more cucumbers than I ever expected.


Tip on the Cucumbers.

The day before you make the salad, peel and slice the cucumbers. Then place a layer in a bowl, and sprinkle with salt. continue adding layers of cucumbers and a light dusting of salt. The salt will help remove some of the water from the cucumbers. Then you can drain and squeeze out some of the moisture. Give it a shot and let me know in the comments what you think, Roger

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Roger Seher